How to Check your Notifications on QuiGig
There are not many times that you will be notified on the QuiGig platform, but each one is important to getting that job or quickly hiring the right freelancer. Since our system prioritizes quickness, we suggest that you make sure to quickly check each notification and respond to it in a timely manner.
Step One: Go to your QuiGig profile
If you already have a profile on QuiGig, especially if you often use it, you will already be logged in when you visit If you don’t already have a QuiGig account, read this article on how to sign up(hint: it’s really easy).
Step Two: Click on the “Dashboard” section
Step Three: Click on the “Notifications” tab
The tab is on the left side underneath “My Quigs”. If you have a notification, a little circle will appear directly to the right of the tab indicating how many messages you have waiting for you.
Step Four: Resolve your Notifications
This is the most important part! You will receive a notification when you have a gig that is right for you, when a provider answers your request for work, when it is time to rate the person you worked with, and more.
To Simply mark the notification as read, click “Read” on the right side of the message. To actually take care of the message, you click on the message itself. You will then be taken where you need to go for your next action, whether that is to hire someone, be hired yourself, or resolve an issue.